Our team.

We have an expert team of advisors in residence.

Anna Triponel

Founder & Advisor
Anna Triponel is an internationally renowned business, human rights and climate expert and founder of Human Level. Over the past decade, she has travelled around the globe to advise hundreds of companies – as well as their investors and lawyers – on what it means to take a people-centred approach to business. Anna advises companies on human rights strategies, weaving human rights into climate strategies and just transition, and ways to adapt business models to be future fit. She is an Advisor to a number of Board members, VPs and General Counsels, and is a regular keynote speaker and featured commentator in the media. Anna acts as a Mediator for OECD National Contact Point instances, has been appointed International Human Rights Expert for a range of operational-level grievance mechanisms and sits on a number of advisory committees. She has lived and/or worked in the majority of countries on the African continent, running human rights impact assessment and stakeholder empowerment processes.

As a consultant at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, she worked with John Ruggie on the development of the 2011 UN Guiding Principles on Business and HumanRights. As Senior Advisor at the leading centre of expertise on the UNGPs Shift, she played an instrumental role in the development of the 2015 UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework. She has been a corporate lawyer in New York at Jones Day, an international human rights lawyer working across Africa and Asia at pro bono Nobel Peace Prize nominee firm PILPG, and a development lawyer in Washington DC at the World Bank. She holds three bars as a lawyer (New York, England & Wales, France – currently non-practising lawyer). Degrees include an LL.M. in International Law (American University Washington College of Law); Masters degree in international business / human rights law (University of Paris X); Business Sustainability Management (Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership) and MBA (Essentials from London School of Economics).  

Maddie Wolberg

Maddie Wolberg, Advisor, has nearly a decade of experience working in the field of business and human rights across a variety of industries, geographies, and issues, with particular expertise on ensuring respect for human rights in extractives and land-based sectors.

Previously, she served as Assistant Manager of Global Sustainability at jeweler Tiffany & Co., where she managed the company’s approach to human rights across its value chain and worked on Tiffany’s 2025 sustainability strategy, transparency efforts, responsible mining and raw materials traceability, labour rights, and stakeholder engagement.

Prior experience includes work on diverse human rights and corporate accountability topics for the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Democracy, Rights and Labor, the Columbia Center onSustainable Investment, Inclusive Development International, and the UN Global Compact. She received a B.A. (Political Science and Human Rights) from Barnard College of Columbia University and a Master of International Affairs (HumanRights) from the Columbia School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA).

Ana Maria Uribe

Ana Maria Uribe, Advisor, is a lawyer and researcher in human rights and public policy. Previous experience includes working as a business and human rights consultant for the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the G7 on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights in global supply chains, and working as a legal advisor for construction, energy, health and agriculture companies in Latin America. She has a B.A. in Law and a Master’s Degree in Philosophy and Public Policy from the London School of Economics.  

Jodie Tang

Jodie Tang, Advisor, is a researcher in human rights law and climate justice. Previous experience includes research on LGBTQ+ rights under international and regional frameworks; research on the trafficking of refugees and asylum seekers in Hong Kong; analysing cases from a climate migration lens to be used for social impact litigation; and working on high-profile commercial arbitration cases at a Magic Circle law firm. She holds an LLB in Law from the University of Warwick and an LLM in Human Rights Law from The University of Hong Kong.

Rebecca Villalobos

Rebecca Villalobos is a social and environmental sustainability expert with over a decade of experience working across the private, public and non-profit sectors. Her approach to human rights work is grounded in her experience working in the corporate sector and being deeply embedded within local communities.

Most recently, she held Product Sustainability & Transparency strategy roles at Tiffany & Co where she worked to launch the 2025 Sustainability Goals, drive traceability and build social and environmental programs across the company’s supply chain (including key materials). Her scope also included leading Tiffany’s sustainability disclosures and reporting strategy, both at brand and group (LVMH) level.

Her other roles have included working for leading International NGO Pact, advising Cambodia and India-based rural enterprises, managing a social entrepreneurship incubator and working in international intellectual property. Through her tenure at Pact she supported economic and political development projects across Myanmar, Tanzania and Ukraine. Beginning in 2018, she led the development and pilot launch of Moyo Gems - a colored gemstone traceability program designed to expand market linkages for sustainable products and improve economic and social outcomes for female miners.

Rebecca is a regular speaker on supply chain sustainability, innovation and responsible mining. She holds a Master’s Degree in Social Enterprise from American University’s School of International Service, where she focused on Corporate Sustainability and Women’s Economic Empowerment.

Sophia Colvin

Sophia Colvin, Advisor, is a researcher in human rights and international relations. Previous experience includes research on ethnic, religious, and political conflict, as well as peace-building processes and transitional justice. She has experience with community organising, political field work in the United States, and conducting open source research on international human rights abuses. Most recently, she has engaged in research focused on just transitions, climate, environment and people. She holds a B.A in International Relations and Comparative Cultures andPolitics and a Masters Degree in Conflict Resolution in Divided Societies fromKing's College London.

Our Advisory Partners

We operate an umbrella model, working with the best in the field. We design teams of advisors based on project needs – pulling from our advisors in residence, and our advisory partners. This approach enables us to be nimble and offer the best talent for each and every project.

Malin Helgesen

Advisory Partner
Malin Helgesen, Advisory Partner, has significant expertise in the business and human rights and ESG fields. Malin is specialised in advising clients on international standards and how the expanding business and human rights regulation interfaces with other sustainability areas. She has advised a wide range of business organisations at a range of levels (from corporate boards, to local work sites) on a range of business and human rights matters, including from policy to practice; from internal risk management to external communication and handling of criticism and formal allegations of human rights abuse; from culture building to assurance processes.  

Prior positions held by Malin include business and human rights specialist counsel at the Swedish law firm Mannheimer Swartling; corporate legal human rights counsel in Equinor ASA; attorney at the Swedish law firm Vinge; attorney at the Norwegian law firm Wiersholm, and senior human rights advisor at the Council of Ethics for the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global. Malin is a regular panel speaker and lectures in business and human rights at universities in Sweden and Norway. She is a member of the ICC International Commission on Corporate Responsibility &Anti-corruption and the ICC International Informal Working Group on Business and Human Rights. Malin holds an LL.M. in international law from London School of Economics, where she received the Blackstone Chambers’ award for Best Dissertation in International Law for her dissertation on companies’ legal responsibility under international humanitarian law. She also holds an LL.M. from Lund University, Sweden. 

Nora Wolters

Advisory Partner
Nora Wolters, Advisory Partner, has worked in the field of business and human rights for nearly a decade. Her experience ranges from in-depth stakeholder engagement at local level to advising multinational companies on their human rights strategies. She has worked with a variety of businesses, including retail, consumer goods, electronics and finance.

Nora believes that a collaborative approach is most effective in ensuring respect for workers globally, a view that she translated into action during her time at multi-stakeholder organisation Sedex. While working as a consultant forElevate, Nora focused on responsible sourcing strategy and led several human rights due diligence assessments in the field. Her passion for people and communication is complemented by her data-driven approach to work, which she developed working for ESG data provider RepRisk in Switzerland. A German native, Nora holds a Master’s degree in Politics, Economics and Philosophy and is currently working on her PhD in the field of Business Ethics. 

Séphora Kermabon

Advisory Partner
Séphora Kermabon, Advisory Partner, is a lawyer and consultant in business and human rights. Previous experience includes consultancy work in business ethics, duty of vigilance and human rights issues for CAC 40, SBF 120 and FTSE 100 companies in various sectors such as transport, textiles, energy and IT consulting. Séphora has also worked with companies in the context of the French association Entreprises pour les droitsde l'homme. She has been a lawyer in international law firms in Montreal, Brussels and Amsterdam. She holds the Paris Bar as a lawyer and she has a Masters in Human Rights and Democratisation from the Global Campus of Human Rights in Venezia, a Master in European Economic Law and a Bachelor in Philosophy and Law from Paris I Panthéon-la-Sorbonne.

Our Support Partners

Sonya Viaud

Administrative Support
Sonya Viaud, Administrative Support, supports Human Level with administrative needs, including email, diary and day to day administrative support. She has experience working with a wide range of companies from a range of different sectors.