Our key takeaway: Engaging local communities in meaningful, rights-respecting ways is the linchpin of the just transition. The Extractive Industries Transparency Index (EITI) engaged with diverse stakeholders across Colombia, Ghana and Indonesia over the course of two years to understand their perspectives on the energy transition. Even across different geographies and when discussing different types of projects—from extraction of transition-critical minerals to implementation of renewable energy projects—communities expressed the same views: that they, as the people often most at risk from adverse impacts, want information and greater transparency from companies and governments alike about these projects; that this information needs to be shared in a way that is accessible and understandable; and that—crucially—they need to be involved as active participants in the dialogue and decision-making across the full lifecycle of a project. EITI shares top recommendations for companies, which are also relevant for business in other sectors. These include routine, proactive disclosure on the impacts and contributions of transition projects to communities, especially impacts on their livelihoods; finding community-appropriate ways to share information about projects in the face of barriers like illiteracy or lack of technology, and building on channels that already exist; leveraging opportunities for face-to-face dialogue, like community meetings and multi stakeholder sessions; and ensuring that community members, especially vulnerable people, are made central to decision-making and project implementation from planning to closure, through direct consultation.
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) published Engaging Communities in a Just Transition (December 2023):