Our key takeaway: Research has found that paying a living wage can benefit a company’s bottom line, with benefits ranging from increased retention and lower turnover among staff, to greater reliability and higher-quality products from suppliers. A report by Just Capital features case studies from five top-performing companies on this topic (Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI), Accenture, Analog Devices, Smartsheet, and Teradyne) which underscore the strategic value of “influencing suppliers to treat workers fairly, pay a living wage, and actively supporting suppliers in attaining these targets.” Only a small number of companies (3% out of this study’s sample set) are pushing the envelope on living wages in the supply chain, but Just Capital encourages all companies to follow three leading practices: (1) Providing clear guidance on living wage for suppliers, including a definition with a research-backed methodology; (2) Considering living wage to be a human right and explicitly linking the two in policies and engagement with suppliers; and (3) Developing sustainable supply chain strategies that are actionable, scalable and regularly monitored.
Just Capital published a report on living wage trends in the supply chains of U.S. companies (May 2023):