Our key takeaway: It was a pleasure for us at Human Level to facilitate a session for investors at the PRI on remedy last year, and now we have PRI’s guide for investors, hot off the press. The pressure on investors to conduct human rights due diligence (HRDD) over their internal activities and investments is not going anywhere - well it is, it’s going up. This PRI report provides guidance to investors on how to take it one step at a time - while ensuring that the due diligence efforts are meaningful. An investor hasn’t caused or contributed to an impact - but is directly linked to it? Then don’t forget about the remedy eco-system and the role an investor can play there. An investor doesn’t have full visibility? Then don’t forget about tangible ways to prioritise the information-gathering - building on where the risks to people are the most severe. This is win win - for people, but also for investors to better manage their financial risk, and meet the evolving demands of beneficiaries, clients and regulators.
The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) released the Human Rights Due Diligence for Private Markets Investors: A Technical Guide (June 2023):