🎄✨ The holidays are here!
Do you have something lovely planned? I hope it’s relaxing and exactly what you need. 🌟
I’ll be spending time with family, enjoying nature, and diving into history—three things that always help me recharge.
This year has flown by, hasn’t it? ⏳
I came across an interesting thought recently about New Year’s resolutions: they work, psychologically, because a new year feels like a fresh chapter—a clean slate 📝 that inspires optimism 🌈 and the possibility of change. While many resolutions don’t last beyond February, we make them anyway, fueled by the hope that this time things will be different. And sometimes, they are. My feeling is: they will be—and they have to be.
I also read about an alternative approach: choosing a single word that reflects how you want your year to feel. Last year, my word was “groundedness” 🌱. I tried to deeply connect with what it means to feel grounded and anchor that energy as much as I could throughout the year. Honestly, it worked and I recommend it! I feel so much more centered now than I did 12 months ago. I must say, losing my friend this summer to breast cancer has also profoundly shaped my being.
I think I know my word for next year. It starts with a J. Let me know if yours is the same! 😊
Whether you’re someone who sets resolutions ✍️, chooses words and feelings to guide you, or takes the year as it comes, one thing is certain:
You’ll make an even greater impact in 2025 than you did in 2024.
I truly believe it.
We all will. The alternative is not an option. 🙌 And we’ll be here to support you as you do.
We’ll re-connect on this point this time next year. and I'm sure I'll be right. 🌟
In the meantime, we’ll be back in your inbox in 2025, and we’re also looking forward to seeing you at our next Collective on 31st January—same time, same place (1 pm UK, online). 💻
Wishing you a joyful and peaceful holiday season!