Times are changing

Anna Triponel
March 29, 2024
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What a time to be a lawyer advising companies… or an advisor advising companies… or a company complying with the law… or a regulator regulating companies… or an investor investing in companies… or anyone buying from companies for that matter!

Here are ‘just a few’ of the recent developments:

  • 👕 On 14 March, the French National Assembly voted unanimously in favour of a bill that is looking to crack down on fast fashion (think: Shein and co). The bill would prevent apparel companies from being able to advertise fast fashion and would require them to pay penalties to cover the environmental impact of clothing. Next step: Senate.
  • ⚖️ On 28 March, the Paris Court of Justice dismissed a case filed by TotalEnergies against Greenpeace in which the company had asked Greenpeace to retract a statement describing TotalEnergies's carbon footprint as larger than reported by the company. This case is viewed as significant for civil society’s right to freedom of speech.
  • 🏭 On 22 March, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights found that Peru had violated its residents’ "right to live in a healthy environment” by allowing a smelter to operate in La Oroya in a way that led to toxic contamination. Peru has been requested to provide remedy to the residents.

Who said that business and human rights have nothing to do with each other?

My law professors, twenty years ago, that’s who. 🚫

I’ll never forget that moment, which I re-lived for my recent op-ed in The Conduit. There were definitely tears involved. I was told the only reason they didn’t fail me (since my chosen topic of business and human rights obviously had nothing to do with the practice of law) was because I’d been top of class four years in a row (leading to my scholarship to go to the U.S. – which changed my life forever). 🎓

What a strange world we live in. Breaking with systems of the past and the present has never felt more urgent and more needed. ⏳ We need to imagine fully what future systems can look and feel like, so that we can get there together. 🤝

And here is my op-ed in The Conduit. Concluding words (following the journey that got us to where we are now):

“The time is right for this law. We are in the midst of a climate, nature and inequality crisis. Companies are facing a very uncertain future ahead. We will see an increase in climate-related migration – leading to a growth in vulnerable people and forced labour in company supply chains. We will see an increase in worker heat stress – impacting health and lives, alongside productivity and livelihoods. We will see a decline in democracy – jeopardising the ability of workers and community members to speak up when things are not right. Yet this law provides us with a level playing field for companies to navigate the rapidly changing world ahead. Now the Directive has finally been passed by the Council of the EU. At its session in late April, the European Parliament must pass it into law.”

“There is no better time for the soft law of yesterday to become the hard law of today to equip companies to navigate the world of tomorrow.” 💫

Enjoy the weekend everyone,
